Hyundai i30 Diesel Bleeding Procedure Relates to: Hyundai i30 Diesel Kit No’s: R2788N / R2561N
Installation of a new Clutch Kit can highlight an actuation issue on these vehicles. If a new clutch kit has been installed and disengagement problems are occurring, the Clutch Dampener component located between Master Cylinder and the Slave cylinder could be at fault. This is a Dampener fault rather than a Clutch Kit fault. To ensure the correct function of the clutch kit we recommend the following:
Clutch Dampener Diagnosis

1.   Clutch Dampener Diagnosis If after correctly bleeding the system, gear selection is difficult or not able to be achieved, the clutch dampener could be at fault.
2.   If gear selection is possible after manually levering the release fork, this means that the clutch dampener is not providing the necessary amount of fluid to the slave cylinder. The sealing mechanism in the clutch dampener is either not sealing, and/or the rubber dampener is compressing when it shouldn’t be.

3.   To confirm this is the case, bypass the clutch dampener by using a suitable joiner tube from master cylinder directly to the slave cylinder. Then depress the clutch pedal to see if gear selection performance is sufficient.

4.   If release is now satisfactory it is recommended that the clutch dampener as a whole unit be replaced.
Note: It is not recommended to permanently bypass the malfunctioning clutch dampener. The clutch damper should always be used in the fluid system of this vehicle application.

Always check the vehicles fluid Dampener as described above and if required replace it when replacing the Clutch Kit to ensure correct function of the Clutch.

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